
Welcome! This is the official MMBN Online development website. If this is your first time here, and you are wondering what the gist of all this is, read on.
MMBN Online is an open-source, cross-platform MegaMan Battle Network battle simulator that was initially created to accomplish the goal of competitive battling online without the need of using an emulator. It is written in the Python language, using Pyglet graphics library for rendering.
At the present time, MMBNO is not at the point where stable releases are readily offered for download. However, if you are interested in viewing the source code for the program, you can find it in the SVN Repository.
If you are not a programmer, then the code repository will not be of much use to you, unless you decide to use it as an indicator of active development. Development is not as active as we'd like it to be, considering we also have other commitmnets to dedicate ourselves to that are at a much higher priority than development.